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I redesigned a school playground for my PhD – with the children

Remaking a School Playground For Your PhD

Recently, I redesigned a school playground for my PhD students and children. This school playground is located in South Africa and this is a complete remaking of a previous design that had been in place for many years.
The reason for the new concept is not because of any improvement but because of a change in perspective. In fact, if I could change one thing about the original design, it would be to replace the narrow paths that are typical of many schools with wide, continuous playground spaces which allow access from all sides of the playground for ease of movement.
When I say wide, I mean where the actual lines used to be that being like running rivers that had a gradual narrowing effect as you moved towards the end. Because the design I have used is so different, we were able to remove this two-dimensional effect that was so typical of the old design.
The major change to the structure of the space is due to the existence of a pool. This pool provided a great opportunity to create a very narrow path that would minimize areas where children were required to negotiate the space.
This meant that the space where the pool would be would no longer be so wide, but also that the area where children were playing would no longer be so narrow. The children could be spread out over a wider area and still feel safe.
The physical environment of the playground is another aspect that changes when a new design is implemented. A better and wider play area is the result of the removal of some of the smaller spaces in the old design.
In my opinion, the removal of these smaller spaces should have been included in the original design, but was not so it provided some back and forth movement where there should not have been. In fact, the best space I found to provide for these children to move about was around a tree.
Because the tree provides a beautiful location, it provides an excellent spot for children to run around, socialize and perform physical exercise. This means that the children are much more active and a great playground is a result.
One of the most important factors in physical activity is whether it is easy or difficult to move around, which in turn has to do with your ability to walk. Because of the location of the children at the edge of the playground, they can walk and play in a way that is easier on them.
The result is a very convenient place to play, especially as the weather changes. Rather than spending half an hour just waiting for the children to come out, the playground can be used for another use.
Another benefit of this playground is that it is in a building with all the facilities required for a school, such as a classroom, a swimming pool and even a gymnasium, so children can use it while they are in the physical education classroom or learning the skills for play. As long as these facilities are in place, the playground will always be available to provide the physical activity that is so essential to a child's development.
Remaking a school playground is a difficult task. However, if you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and the knowledge and the skill to implement that vision, then this type of remaking is certainly within your reach.

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